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Wangaratta Netball Association conducts an Open Female social competition in Autumn and Spring each year on a Wednesday evening.


Each season consists of 10 rounds (unless otherwise stated). The top 4 teams in each Section will participate in finals over two weeks.


The Autumn competition runs from early February to mid June while the Spring competition runs from early August to late November. Team Registration for both competitions occurs at a Team Registration night 2 weeks prior.



Team Registration Information


- Any female player turning 13 years of age or above in the current year is eligible to participate.


Team Managers

- All players intending to play with a team must be recorded on the Team Registration Sheet at the time of registration. 

- Team MUST provide a name, mobile number and email address of at least two team contact persons who will be the liaison for all team communication purposes.

- The Team Manager is responsible for ensuring their players have completed their online registration a fortnight prior to competition commencing. All players receive email confirmation of payment to Netball Victoria and Wangaratta Netball Association membership.

- Team Managers must advise new players of registration process.

- Netball Victoria Regulations now require any adult in a position of responsibility including Coaches, Umpires and Team Managers to maintain a valid Working with Children Check and must provide evidence to WNA before the first round.

- Please ensure you are familiar with Rules and Regulations in WNA By-Laws in relation to unregistered players.


Game night

- All teams must provide their own bibs and basic first aid kit.

- There should be a scorer from each team who stand beside each other; if a junior is scoring an adult must stand beside them.



- No jewellery, earrings or adornments may be worn during the games. Taping of nails or jewellery is not allowed. Please support the umpires in enforcing these rules.



- Wangaratta Netball Association has invested many hours into developing umpires. We request that you assist and encourage all umpires in this extremely challenging role.

- Netball needs umpires and they should be encouraged to continue on their umpire pathway.

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